Epsilon scores a Gold Medal at the Ecovadis sustainability survey

Epsilon was just awarded a gold medal by EcoVadis, ranking in the top 5% of evaluated companies in one of the world’s most comprehensive corporate sustainability rating tools.
For our second assessment, this outstanding score highlights Epsilon’s commitment towards sustainability and corporate social responsibility. We had scored a silver medal for our first assessment in 2023, which was a good start but not quite up to our own standards. True to our manufacturing culture, we follow a continuous improvement approach where we constantly look for new improvement opportunities and risks.
In addition to various independant #CSR audits (the lastest one with a rating of 100/100), this EcoVadis scorecard provides our customers, suppliers and stakeholders with a transparent, unbiased view of our sustainability assessment.
More information about our sustainability policy
More information about the EcoVadis sustainability survey:
EcoVadis is a one of the main corporate sustainability rating tools worldwide, covering more than 100,000 companies over 200 industries and 175 countries.
The EcoVadis sustainability assessment methodology evaluates how a company has integrated the principles of Sustainability/Corporate Social Responsibility into its business and management systems.
The methodology is built on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000.
Its Sustainability Scorecard is focused on performance across 21 indicators in 4 themes : Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.