Our mission: design and implement advanced conductor solutions to modernize power lines worldwide
Since 1987, Epsilon is a pioneer and world leader in high performance composite materials thanks to the pultrusion process. This highly efficient technology, combined with the extraordinary properties of carbon fibers makes the perfect solution to manufacture strong durable composite cores for advanced conductors, also known as type 4 High Temperature Low Sag conductors (or “HTLS conductors”).
This new generation of smart conductors is successfully being used worldwide to increase the line ampacity, and to reduce line sag as well as electrical losses.
Epsilon Cable is at the forefront of this grid modernization, with a proven track record of several thousands of kilometers of conductors installed worldwide in the past 2 decades.
With its R&D center and Pultrusion facilities in France, Epsilon is ISO 9001 certified and supplies the most demanding cable manufacturers and EPCs to help them meet utilities’ ambitious performance & cost targets on reconductoring projects as well as new lines.
Epsilon Cable and its partners also developed the HVCRC® advanced conductor range, along with the necessary hardware.
From line design to installation and maintenance, we provide our support and expertise to utilities looking to improve their transmission and distribution lines thanks to advanced conductors.
Learn more about our pultruded composite cores
Learn more about HVCRC® conductors
Quality, Health, Safety & Environment

Based on continuous improvement and a constant striving for performance to satisfy our customers requirements, Epsilon’s Quality Management System is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard.
The health and safety of people and the respect for our environment are among our top priorities. Not only do we comply with strict health and safety regulations and best environmental practices, but we are also constantly thinking about ways to reduce our environmental footprint at all levels, as well as ways to reinforce our positive impacts on our environment.
Learn more about our Quality, Health & Safety policy
Learn more about our Sustainable Development policy