Reconductoring of a 220kV line crossing over the Sông Lô, one of the major rivers of Vietnam and 1 km wide at the point of crossing.
The Ultra Low Sag (“ULS”) version of the HVCRC® composite core was used. With a modulus of elasticity of 146 GPa (18% more than the standard HVCRC® composite core), it enabled an even lower sag on this long span.
Year: 2021
Customer: NPMB / EVN
Location: Viet Tri, Vietnam
Voltage: 220kV
Conductor length: 4 km
Old Conductor: ACSR
New Conductor: HVCRC® Ultra Low Sag (ULS) 520 – 60 “Warsaw”
– Doubled ampacity with existing structures (as the entire line was also reconductored with regular HVCRC® conductors)
– Minimal thermal sag on a very long span, ensuring a safe clearance above river traffic