Smart Cables Projet

We are glad to announce the official launch of the SMART CABLES project!

This ambitious collaborative project is led by Epsilon Composite, in partnership with Arts et Métiers ParisTech — École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, ICGM / Université de Montpellier, Sicame Group and Resoltech.

The project will allow the development of breakthrough innovative highvoltage cable solutions, to enable network operators to increase their power transmission capacity and control their networks reliably and sustainably.

We thank RTE Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, Elia and Nexans for their support to the SMART CABLES project, as well as POLYMERIS and Pôle S2E2.

This project is funded by the FranceRelance, France2030 and European Union NextGenEU programs, with the support of Bpifrance.